Homeward Alliance was recently awarded a $7750 Community Grant from RCFC. Homeward Alliance operates a continuum of services for individuals including basic needs, housing-focused case management, behavioral health, and employment programs, and they oversee the Murphy Center, a resource center in Larimer County for people experiencing homelessness.
Rotarians Don Jorgensen and Kathy Nicol present the check to Pam Brewer, Development Director.
Their Family Services program is frequently the “last stop” for families experiencing or at-risk for homelessness. This program allows families to quickly access rental assistance, utility assistance and barriers to employment (obtaining a valid ID or driver’s license). They try to ensure that our communities’ most vulnerable families do not fall through the cracks. Our grant will help fund this family services program.
This grant was funded by our Legacy Fund. The Legacy Fund, our endowment fund, was created to develop and provide a permanent source of supplemental funding for humanitarian and charitable programs supported by the Rotary Club of Fort Collins.