During his first meeting as President, Del Benson outlined his priorities and thoughts for RY 2020-21.  He touched on the challenges of declining noon membership and the resultant reduction in income and charitable pledges to support our service mission.  Del then outlined his priorities and a "U+2" Time, Talent and Treasure Challenge for every member:  
  • Bring in two new members
  • Double contributions to Rotary funding needs
  • Help on two funding initiatives
  • Give time to two additional service projects
  • Organize new projects and outcomes
  • Attend two more meetings every quarter
  • Combine categories engaging U+2 and have twice the fun and accomplishments
He closed his remarks with a "Good and Lucky Non-Event Fundraiser" that raised $89,000 for charitable causes so far. 
Now we need to work on the U+2 membership growth.  Del asks that we focus on membership recruitment, retention, and reactivation with objectives to include young and old, female and male, persons of color and other diversity, and persons of progressive interests to make Rotary better and more inclusive in our community and world.