Sustainable Peace Studies
Curriculum Reform, Website Dissemination and Professional Development that Uses Case Study Analysis to Infuse Peace Building Content with an Emphasis on Critical and Creative Thinking for the University of Ngozi, Church Communities and Schools in Burundi, East Africa and Beyond
“Amahoro” is the Kirundi word for peace. Founded in 1999 with a commitment to peace and reconciliation, its University of Ngozi (UNG) is uniquely situated to be a laboratory for peace-building and sustainable development. We recognize that economic development will suffer if violence continues and that peace will be a casualty if communities remain mired in poverty. Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world, emerging from colonization and forty years of violence.


Despite the legacy of conflict, the Ngozi region remained peaceful, ideal for Rotary Global Grant emphasis on sustainable peace and reconciliation.


Our Rotary Grant will help train leaders, including potential youth leaders, to prevent and mediate conflict; supporting peace-building in communities and in regions affected by conflict.

RCFC's Peace Initiative has had an ambitious effort to connect the study of peace literacy with the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic.  RCFC is thrilled to report that the Rotary Foundation has contributed its share to what was raised locally and in Denver toward the $35,000 needed to continue efforts to promote sustainable peacebuilding in the impoverished nation of Burundi.
Rotary Club of Fort Collins Member Dr.William M. Timpson with students in Burundi