If you or your group are interested in presenting, please contact us at programs@rotarycluboffortcollins.org
Last week we were privileged to have 2 CSU deans, David McLean (Engineering) and Beth Walker (Business) update our club on the ongoing collaboration between the College of Business and the Walter Scott College of Engineering.
Club member Rajiv Mehta, for our in-person meeting on March 29, gave us a firehose-like overview of the mythology, history, and current state of India, the world’s largest democracy. A native of India, Rajiv came to the US from his home in Mumbai (a city of some 22 million people built largely on a landfill) in 1973 but has made numerous trips back in the years since.
For our in-person meeting on March 15, club member Kip Turain moderated a two-way discussion about the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution as viewed from the perspective of Rotary’s 4-Way Test. Sam Kornfeld, a local attorney with experience in defending 2nd Amendment cases, explained the rights and privileges of gun owners under current federal law. Club member Bill Timpson, speaking from long-standing experience in conflict mediation and resolution, presented the case for making changes in regulation of gun ownership.
Last week, Dr Jon Geller (DVM) shared how his organization, The Street Dog Coalition (started in Fort Collins and since copied by 50 US cities) used their experience to provide veterinary care to pets of Ukrainian refugees crossing the border from Ukraine into Romania. Some members may know Dr Geller as the doctor who provided emergency care to their pets in Fort Collins for over 20 years (Please see last weeks’ Rotogear for the rest of his unique CV).
Last Wednesday we enjoyed another timely and informative presentation from a CSU faculty. CSU Associate Professor Anders Fremstad’s talk was entitled Economic Inequality.