Located on the edge of “The Great American Desert”, careful water management is a challenge to Fort Collins’ growth, and climate change is expected to bring longer droughts, increased wildfire risk, and diminished water supplies.  In our continuing series on water, Wednesday, February 11, Dave Stewart will introduce Dr. Tzahi Cath, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines, to discuss the research being done by ReNUWIt, a research collaboration with a goal to change the way we manage urban water...
ReNUWIt, with funding from a $12M NSF grant, is coordinating research between the Colorado School of Mines, Stanford, UC Berkley, and New Mexico State University.  According to the ReNUWIt website, they see “technological advances in natural and engineered systems, and a deeper understanding of institutional frameworks” as key to our water future. 
Dr. Tzahi Cath received his B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering from Tel Aviv University in 1992, before receiving his M.S. (2001) and Ph.D. (2003) in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Nevada, Reno.  According to his website, his “main field of research is membrane processes for water purification, wastewater reclamation, and desalination”, and “the simultaneous optimization of energy consumption, chemical use, and nutrient and organic removal.”  But inquiring minds still want to know, does it taste good?