Susan Gutowsky said that she has wanted to be a Rotarian for a long time because she loves what Rotary does for our community and for the school system. But, as a teacher, she could not attend noon meetings, but now in retirement from teaching, she is proud to join our club. Her sponsors are Laurie Klith and Judy Boggs.

Originally from the Las Angeles area of California, she and family, husband Wayne and two young children, moved to Fort Collins 35 years ago. Susan attended UC Irvine, taught a few years in California and then 28 years in Fort Collins, all at the Middle School level. She taught at Boltz, Weber and the last 8 years at Lesher Middle School and said that she loved teaching at that level. Now in retirement from teaching she is an elected member of the Poudre District School Board. Susan’s daughter, Karlee, was just was hired to teach in Fort Collins and her son, Marty, is with the Secret Service in Washington D.C.

Susan told us about attending the 50 year reunion at UC Irvine at which the President spoke. She had an anteater doll with her at the lectern. The anteater , Peter the Anteater, is the mascot of UC Irvine and Susan had our members make the hand gesture and yell that their students make at events, zot-zot-zot. She said that even the President did it.